Why Do Less Attractive People Also Tend to Be Overweight or Have Funny Voices

Harassment, attractiveness, & the prison that we call our looks.

One of the few times I can use click-bait pictures. I'm enjoying this. Source: wallpapersqq.net

How Does This Picture Make You Feel?

  • Are you jealous?
  • Are you intrigued?
  • Does it make you sad?
  • Would you be more likely to hire this person?
  • Would you take the time to get to know her?
  • If you met her in person would you glance twice at her?

I have wrote about this before, if you're interested in this topic I recommend reading that article as well: "Attractive People Are More Likely to be Trusted, Elected, and Listened To."

In that blog post, I encountered some hostility by saying that attractive people have it easier in this life than unattractive people.

On average it seems obvious that this statement is true.

Every single one of us will agree that it would be better if we valued people based on their qualities, & his/her perspective on the world rather than first impressions & intuition. But we can all say without a doubt say that that does not happen often.

What Attractiveness Makes You Go Through

I was told, however, that attractive people also have to deal with difficulty. Here's a list (provided by a reader of my blog):

  • To be approached in a restaurant while eating alone by two dudes with teardrop facial tattoos telling you "you're hella pretty" and ask you repeatedly where your boyfriend is at?
  • Have a much harder time getting to know your significant other / roommate's / male friend's friends, because they see you and their first impression is to think of you as a threat to their relationship with their man? (note: this refers to women who feel insecure in their relationship, but this is more common than we'd like to admit).
  • Going to the gym and not being able to go unnoticed by the older men, even with no makeup/sweatpants, etc? If you're an attractive woman, there is no escaping the male gaze.
  • Feeling pressured by society to date someone who is as attractive as you are? (This one is a bitch, and it took me a long time to think I had more to offer potential partners than my looks.)

Harassment is Terrible — My Experience

Harassment is not a joke. I know this to be true of myself as well. I have had friends in the past that I did not want to cut ties with.

I have had experiences where gay men have talked about me sexually in front of them and suggested (on numerous occasions) that I be topless, stay the night, and that I have a "big cock".

I do understand where the frustration comes from.

Have I ever felt threatened when such remarks come my way?

On many occasions — yes — I did. If anyone wishes to hear about these cases I would love to talk over email, in private. I have never spoken about this with the parties involved.

The harassment is one part of the problem. My blog post was more about listening to people. Imagine, even in your own circles (I assume you're heterosexual in this?), who are you more likely to listen to: your super duper attractive buddy male friend, or your not so attractive male friend?

You will probably choose your answer based off of biological reasons that you cannot affect. I'm not saying that this is your fault or my fault.

I see it often in my classes. The attractive people seem much more confident and cocky in their speech, because they are not rejected often. Meanwhile, the less attractive people are more likely to be shy.

Social Media

Source: fanpop.com

The less attractive people see the standard of beauty everywhere: Instagram, Movies, Shows, the News. Then they look in the mirror and cry because the "standard" — they know — will never be met.

Many of my very attractive friends are beautiful and lovely people. They really do care about people.

I do not want to oversimplify this. I want to start a conversation. Research has been offered to suggest that attractive people have it much more easier in life. I wouldn't necessarily say that I am unattractive.

Beauty vs. Hotness

That leads to my last point, there is a difference between "beauty" and "hotness." I think most people desire a "beautiful" partner.

Not many people desire a "hot" partner. Actually — few do — from the conversations that I have had with friends over the years.

Encouraging Words

I have said this in the past.

What I am saying is that we are celebrating them over less attractive people simply because they are more attractive. And that seems to be ludicrous. Someone who is unattractive does not deserve to be mistreated just because he is overweight, or is asymmetrical.

Casey Neistat did a fantastic video about this.


This phenomenal man is not stereotypically attractive. Despite that he is achieved enormous success. Link here.

Here's a summary:

[speaking about appearances and haters] Look human beings come in all different sizes, we're all beautiful in our own way.

Never pick on someone because of the way they look.

You have to judge people because of their substance not because of their superficiality.

It is truth that better looking people have it easier in this world, so if you want to pick on someone, pick on really attractive people, because they don't have to work as hard as you or me — they just show up and smile.

I'm sorry if you're really beautiful and watching this, I don't mean to pick on you.

Let me know what you have experienced in your life and whether you agree.

I love engaging in the comment section. It also lets me see more of your blog posts :)

Here's some more articles that I wrote on Social Media.

Before you go…

If you found this article helpful, click the

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I write to keep you thinking and to keep me thankful and reflective. Cheers cheers cheers and until next time,

keep reflecting.


Source: https://artplusmarketing.com/who-has-it-easier-attractive-people-or-unattractive-people-d855a93ce7e3

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