Are Neodymium Magnets a Danger to a Babies Brain

How Are Neodymium Magnets Made? Neodymium magnets are fabricated past a sophisticated procedure that includes some very loftier-tech metallurgical methods comprising pulverisation metallurgy and advanced process metallurgy.

Dozens of process steps must exist followed very precisely to make Neodymium magnets –also known as NdFeB -for the chemical symbols of Neodymium, Iron and Boron.

Procedure variations are used to achieve the backdrop necessary for diverse grades. These variations include compositional differences, morphological (crystal shape) differences and process differences.

Below, we will walk through many of the major processing steps.

Manufacturing Process Steps of Neodymium Magnets

Let'south review the processing steps. The product of Neodymium magnets depends on advanced materials engineering and processes. Hither are the primary steps:

Process Steps:

  1. Rare Earth Ore is discovered and mined.
  2. Ore is candy and refined
  3. Refined metallic has elements added to create rare earth alloy
  4. Melting (raw material) and strip casting
  5. Hydrogen Decrepitation
  6. Jet Milling
  7. Pressing Under External Magnetic Field
  8. Common cold Isostatic Pressing
  9. Sintering
  10. Annealing
  11. Machining and Grinding
  12. Plating/Coating
  13. Magnetizing
  14. Packing and Shipping

Neodymium Magnet Processing Steps

At that place are many major production steps –plus numerous sub steps- in the manufacture of loftier-quality, high-tech Neodymium magnets. Each step is highly of import, and each stride is an essential function of a highly refined operation.

Here are the major steps.

  • Step #1 Rare Earth Ore Mining
    Showtime, the rare earth ore is discovered and and then mined. Near rare earth mines are open up pit, so the ore is removed with large equipment after removing any soil overburden.
  • Stride #2 Ore Processing and Refining
    Side by side, the Rare Earth Ore is crushed and milled. So the ore goes through a flotation process where information technology is mixed with h2o and special reagents to carve up the rare earth elements from the tailings. Depending on the source of the ore, the concentrate may also undergo electrolytic refining. Rare earth metals can be refined and extracted electrochemically, or by distillation, ion commutation or other techniques. The concentrate (refined ore) is and so smelted. This means information technology is heated upwardly to very high temperatures (~1500°C) then the valuable metals tin exist separated from unusable materials in the ore.

    Rare Globe Elements are often plant with other valuable metals, such every bit precious metals and fifty-fifty significant quantities of base of operations metals like copper and nickel, so multiple steps are taken to split them.
    Extraction of rare earths is difficult because many of them have very similar properties, making refinement a challenge. This is ane of the cost factors; because the refinement methods require the utilize of expensive chemicals and time –consuming processes.

    For case, information technology's not well known, but about 20-30% of the Neodymium in Neodymium magnets is really Praseodymium. In fact, the alloy used to brand magnets is called PrNd because these two elements are chemically so similar that not simply are they too like to easily carve up, but they are also so similar that it would make only a small divergence in the quality of the magnet.

  • Step #three Alloying
    During the alloying process, small additions of other metals are made to NdFeB alloy to refine and modify the micro structure of the terminal product, enhancing its magnetic properties and enhancing the effects of other processes.
  • Step #4 Strip Casting
    Alloyed NdFeB is at present ready for melting and strip casting. Information technology is heated in a vacuum furnace and a stream of molten metal is forced under pressure onto a cooled drum where it is rapidly cooled at approximately 100,000 degrees-per-second. The loftier cooling rate produces very small grains of metallic that help simplify and enhance the effect of the downstream processing. As well, small-scale grains are an of import part of producing high-quality magnets.

bjmt strip casting process how are neodymium magnets made

Vacuum strip casting furnace rapidly solidifies NdFeB magnet cloth to create very pocket-sized grains

  • Footstep #five Hydrogen Decrepitation
    While the grains are very small-scale from strip casting, the material from strip casting comes out of the caster in sheets that must be reduced to powder in order to make magnets. The next step afterwards this is Hydrogen Decrepitation –a procedure that introduces hydrogen to purposely disintegrate the magnet material. The metal is now brittle plenty that it can easily be broken into smaller pieces, which is why it is called Hydrogen Decrepitation. In the processing of most metals, processors avoid the introduction of hydrogen into them.
    Hydrogen embrittlement tin can be a major problem for many metals. In this case, the hydrogen is purposely introduced in order to make the material disintegrate. Then it is like shooting fish in a barrel to grind it even smaller in a subsequent performance. The decrepitated material is at present ready for the next stride.

Hydrogen Decrepitation

Hydrogen Decrepitation is a process step used in the product of Neodymium magnets to create extremely small grains in the material.

  • Step #6 Jet Milling
    The Jet Manufacturing plant uses a high-speed stream of cyclonic inert gas to grind pieces of NdFeB metal into powder. The metal impinges on other pieces of metal powder inside the cyclone. The cyclone automatically classifies the particles by size equally they go through the system, and so a narrow –and very favorable- particle size distribution is maintained.

    The cyclonic air flow naturally separates the particles and prevents the fabric from having contact with the sides of the force per unit area vessel due to the gas catamenia pressure level and velocity considering different particle sizes have different aerodynamics.

bjmt milling machine how are neodymium magnets made

The jet mill is a very make clean and effective style to grind NdFeB metal down to pulverisation

  • Step #7 Pressing Under External Magnetic Field
    The powder is kept in an inert gas atmosphere and handled in glove boxes before going to the automated press. The pulverisation enters a mold and is pressed between plates while under a stiff magnetic field forming a block of material. The magnetic field orients the grains so that the magnetic domains remain aligned in the designed direction for all subsequent processing steps.
    The magnetic field can exist oriented two ways: i) in alignment with the block or ii) perpendicular to the cake.Sintered Neodymium magnets are typically pressed perpendicular to the cake in order to achieve the highest anisotropy (strongest north-south magnetization)

How are neodymium magnets made

bjmt neodymium plant how are neodymium magnets made

Pressing in a perpendicular magnetic field

  • Footstep #8 Cold Isostatic Pressing
    The block of cloth is bagged and submerged into a cold isostatic press (CIP) under great pressure. This removes any remaining air gaps in the block, which comes out of this press quite a bit smaller than it was when information technology went in.
  • Step #ix Sintering
    The pressed block is removed from the purse and sintered. Sintering is a process where the blocks are placed in a furnace at a very loftier temperature only beneath the melting point of the metal. At this temperature of >1000oC, the individual atoms accept a lot of motility, which allows the blocks to develop their full magnetic and mechanical backdrop.
    The magnetic domains maintain the same orientation they had earlier sintering. At this temperature, full density is accomplished and the blocks have shrunk to their final size.

bjmt sintering neodymium how are neodymium magnets made

Neodymium magnet material achieves full density in the sintering furnace

  • Step #10 Annealing
    After sintering, at that place are pent-up stresses in the metallic from all the motion during sintering, and so the blocks are oestrus-treated once again in a step fashion at lower temperatures to reduce the stresses.
    The blocks are ramped upwards to a high property temperature for a ready time and and so they are ramped down to a lower holding temperature. In one case the holding time is achieved, the now stress-free blocks are slowly cooled to room temperature.
  • Step #11 Cutting, Machining and Grinding
    NdFeB magnets take had a lot of value added past now due to all of the prior steps. Cutting, machining and grinding are performed co-ordinate to a strict control plan, and waste product is minimized by pattern.
    Wire cut is performed with very fine wire to minimize kerf losses. Machining and grinding are minimized by close controls throughout the previous processes. Waste product material is reused and recycled.

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Wire cutting machines are used to cut magnets precisely and economically

  • Footstep #12 Surface Treatment
    Most Neodymium magnets now become a final surface treatment before leaving the plant. The baseline treatment is nickel-copper-nickel electroplate, which protects the magnet from corrosion in most typical use environments.

    Some end users specify no coating at all for various reasons. Others specify coatings with greater protection than Ni-Cu-Ni tin can offer. Aluminum-Zinc offers much greater protection than NiCuNi. IVD aluminum is some other selection specified by end users. Epoxy is a very good blanket for intense environments and is specified past end users with applications where magnets could exist exposed to salt fog.

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BJMT applies corrosion-resistant coatings for all types of environments. This is a continuous spray aluminum-zinc coating line.

  • Footstep #13 Testing
    Testing and evaluation are performed on magnet material at almost every procedure step, and records of every data point are kept. With such intensive testing requirements, BJMT keeps a substantial inventory of examination equipment in house to maintain and improve product quality, production efficiency and cost.

bjmt test and analyze magnet how are neodymium magnets made

Rigorous testing insures but top-quality products are shipped to the customer

  • Footstep #14 Magnetizing
    One of the concluding steps is magnetizing. The fabric is placed inside an electric scroll which is energized to produce a very strong magnetic field for a short fourth dimension. After the whorl is de-energized, the magnetic field in the magnet remains.

NdFeB Compositional and Processing Differences

High-temperature Neodymium magnets generally require the addition of Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE) like Dysprosium and Terbium. The HREEs better the magnet's resistance to demagnetization at high-temperatures and in the presence of opposing magnetic fields.

The relative rarity of the HREEs has led a few of the leading NdFeB companies to develop methods and processes for reducing or eliminating the need for HREEs in loftier-temperature NdFeB magnet grades.

ideal magnet solutions periodic table LREE & HREE

Grain Boundary Diffusion

In contempo years, a few leading NdFeB magnet manufacturers accept created high-temperature/higher Coercivity grades of NdFeB magnets without HREEs (or with greatly reduced HREE) by improving control of grain size and shape, and through the use of Grain Purlieus Diffusion.

Grain Boundary Diffusion (GBD) is a method of selectively introducing HREE into the Grain Boundary phase of the magnet. GBD creates high Coercivity with greatly reduced quantities of HREE like Dysprosium and Terbium, alleviating business organisation over the apply of these rare and expensive HREEs.

bjmt shows grain boundary diffusion how are neodymium magnets made

Crystalline Shape and Size

In many metallurgical systems, the material's properties are influenced by the shape of the individual crystals –or grains- in the metallic structure, too equally the average shape and size of the grains throughout the microstructure. Tight controls on processes can pb to improvements in magnetic properties at high temperatures while reducing the need for HREEs.

Each manufacturing process must be advisedly monitored to verify that each step is carried out with precision to achieve quality, performance and economy.

Production of NdFeB Magnets Require a Large Capital Investment

These processes crave large majuscule equipment investments. For example, vacuum strip casters, hydrogen decrepitation equipment, jet milling equipment, magnetic orienting presses, cold isostatic presses, and sintering and annealing furnaces are required just to make magnet blocks. Each of these is a major CAPEX cost.

Very precise cutting, machining and grinding equipment brand the magnet blocks to size. Since the magnet cloth is prepared past a powder metallurgy procedure and may other processes, a substantial amount of value has been added to the parts by the fourth dimension they get to machining and grinding processes.

Cutting is planned very carefully. Wire cutting is done with very sparse wire to minimize kerf losses.  Grinding is used when necessary, but it is well-planned to keep textile losses every bit pocket-size as possible.

Electroplating and other coating operations all require significant capital in guild to produce high-quality products in an economical and environmentally-friendly way.

Neodymium Magnets are Being Used for More Applications

Neodymium magnets ability then many devices that it's piece of cake to lose track of them all. Almost every Hybrid and Electrical Automobile depends on Neodymium magnets. Current of air power turbines, marine propulsion, air conditioners, mobile phones, sound devices and many more applications all depend on Neodymium magnets to achieve sleek course factors that create downstream economies in many new systems.

Industrial motors made with NdFeB magnets configured for loftier up-time with efficiencies over 95% are saving electricity and conserving natural resources. Neodymium (NdFeB) magnets are creating more than capabilities in smaller spaces in more applications than ever earlier.

NdFeB magnets deliver the highest performance in the smallest book of material, making them a very attractive choice for designers of an increasing number of demanding applications.

bjmt neodymium magnet applications how are neodymium magnets made

Neodymium magnets are being seen in the most dynamic applications in new energy and automotive markets

Cost-Per-Unit-Weight –In that location's More to the Story

A elementary price-per-kg calculation doesn't tell the whole story when evaluating a highly engineered material like NdFeB. Many winning designs cistron in the cost-per-unit of measurement of magnetic field strength, which brings a ripple-outcome of system toll saving throughout the arrangement.

For instance, if an engineer designs a permanent-magnet-based organisation that has high ability requirements coupled with size or space constraints, there is a strong likelihood that the system volition use Neodymium magnets. Neodymium magnets offer virtually xx X's the magnetic field-per-unit-volume that ferrite magnets offering, and they practice it at nearly 1/x the weight, and so a design that uses NdFeB magnets will potentially create a ripple effect that reduces the size of the entire system.

Of course, each blazon of magnet has its place, and there are many winning designs that utilise different types of magnets.

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